Friday, January 6, 2012

Your First Love

     Do you remember when you first fell in love? NOW BEFORE YOU ANSWER...BE CAREFUL! Make sure that one whom you still love understands that you love them even more today than that time when you first fell in love! Remember the 'giggly' times you had? Remember bench seats in cars where you could sit very close to one another? Remember going out of your way to dress the best you could every time you were around that special person? Remember always thinking about what you were going to say so that you made sure it was right and special? Remember, as my wife's family often reminds me, of saying 'I'm sorry' when on a board game you sent your loved one's piece back to base? I could go on and on.
     I'm reminded of this type of feeling and excitement when I think of Christianity. It seems that for many people when they first fall in love with Jesus that it is so special they just cannot get enough. But over time, it seems their love for Jesus loses some of it's shine OR it takes on a new definition of expression. This is what is happening in Revelation 2:4, when Jesus tells the Church in Ephesus, "you have left your first love."
     Many of you might say, "I thought this verse had to do with evangelism" or "having a burden for lost people." Well, there is some truth in that, but it is not the real point of what Jesus is saying. You see, the Church had developed a new definition of expressing their Christianity. They had become obsessed with orthodoxy or making sure faith and truth was understood and lived out by very specific definitions of what was their definition. They had become very legalistic and judgmental. They were more concerned with 'being intolerant' of what they thought was incorrect and also with 'putting people to the test' (Rev. 2:2) than they were of showing with their lives how much they love Jesus. So...He tells them "you have left your first love."
     Maybe you can look at your relationship with that one who years ago you would have done anything or gone to any lengths to please and realize that today you are not quite as motivated or maybe you are more critical of that special one's looks and actions. If so, take the command of verse 5 and "remember from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first..." Think about the difference that might be made in your relationship with your spouse if you once again treated them with 'the deeds you did at first.' Are you willing to take all that extra care again to please your spouse.
     NOW, think about your life with Christ and His Church. If you or your Church has become judgmental, legalistic, rules oriented, then "you have left your first love." Think what a difference it will make in your walk with Christ and in the life of your Church if you will return to the love you had at first. Will you do what is necessary to be the closest to Jesus that you can get? Will you take extra care to give Jesus extra special attention? Will you make sure you give Jesus your first and best? You did with that special loved one. You did when you first came to love Jesus. You can do it again!
     I've spotted the truth in my life, have you?

Jeff Woolum
FBC Perrysburg, OH